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с腟篁ヤс HTML5с障
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医若障荀綺 09 хず障(羝号違с障)絨医荵純9 祉翫順сHTML荀馹紊障障医c画Ηс醇с絽吾蕭荐障羝劫乗院紊颭遵墾若我障

No Severity Line Error Description
1 0line 0:
吾 BOM 障障
茹h 136
2 0line 6:
<META NAME="robots"> 絎 CONTENT 絮с `index` 障障
茹h 127
3 0line 6:
<META NAME="robots"> 絎 CONTENT 絮с `follow` 障障
茹h 127
4 0line 31:
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茹h 127
5 0line 31:
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茹h 127
6 0line 31:
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茹h 127
7 0line 31:
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茹h 127
8 0line 31:
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茹h 127
9 1line 34:
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茹h 158
10 3line 48:
<LINK> HREF 絮с URI `//` 障頾箴<ャ障
茹h 241
11 3line 49:
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茹h 241
12 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
13 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
14 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
15 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
16 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
17 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
18 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
19 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
20 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
21 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
22 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
23 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
24 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
25 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
26 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
27 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
28 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
29 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
30 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障
茹h 155
31 0line 77:
<STYLE>羹わ週</STYLE> `--` 吾紊鴻帥ゃ激若障篁ラ茘茵腓冴障
茹h 155
32 0line 160:
茹h 179
33 0line 160:
茹h 180
34 9line 165:
茹h 254
35 0line 177:
<A> HREF 絮с URI 絎鴻若 `javascript` 障
茹h 238
36 0line 178:
<A> HREF 絮с URI 絎鴻若 `javascript` 障
茹h 238
37 2line 185:
<A> ONCLICK 絮с腥榊純綽荀с
茹h 84
38 8line 195:
茹h 74
39 6line 195:
茹h 79
40 8line 195:
茹h 74
41 2line 195:
茹h 84
42 9line 230:
<ARTICLE>羹わ週</ARTICLE> H1/H2/H3/H4/H5/H6綽荀с
茹h 50
43 7line 237:
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT"> ID 絮с絎膵違菴障
茹h 85
44 7line 237:
茹h 85
45 1line 237:
茹h 173
46 9line 248:
</DIV> 234茵 <FORM> cс
茹h 70
47 2line 248:
</DIV> </FORM> ャ帥障
茹h 64
48 7line 252:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `1` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
49 7line 259:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `2` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
50 7line 266:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `3` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
51 7line 273:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `4` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
52 7line 280:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `5` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
53 7line 287:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `6` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
54 7line 294:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `7` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
55 7line 301:
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茹h 102
56 7line 308:
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茹h 102
57 7line 315:
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茹h 102
58 7line 322:
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茹h 102
59 7line 329:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `12` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
60 7line 337:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `13` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
61 7line 344:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `14` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
62 7line 351:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `15` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
63 7line 358:
<LABEL> FOR 絮у `16` 罩c障怨紮障絖(IDREF)с違障
茹h 102
64 9line 365:
</FORM> 絲上紮帥 <FORM> 荀ゃ障
茹h 69
65 6line 390:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
66 6line 390:
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茹h 79
67 6line 390:
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茹h 79
68 6line 390:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
69 7line 406:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `旦r端nt端l端-sohbet-odalar脹-95x95.jpg` 筝 ASCII篁ュ絖障障
茹h 232
70 4line 406:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `旦r端nt端l端-sohbet-odalar脹-95x95.jpg` 罩c後с
茹h 239
71 6line 406:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
72 6line 406:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
73 6line 406:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
74 6line 406:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
75 1line 411:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 395茵х違潟障
茹h 211
76 1line 415:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 399茵х違潟障
茹h 211
77 6line 422:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
78 6line 422:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
79 6line 422:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
80 6line 422:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
81 1line 427:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 411茵х違潟障
茹h 211
82 1line 431:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 415茵х違潟障
茹h 211
83 6line 442:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
84 6line 442:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
85 6line 442:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
86 6line 442:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
87 1line 447:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 427茵х違潟障
茹h 211
88 1line 451:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 431茵х違潟障
茹h 211
89 7line 458:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `脹zlar-95x95.jpg` 筝 ASCII篁ュ絖障障
茹h 232
90 4line 458:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `脹zlar-95x95.jpg` 罩c後с
茹h 239
91 6line 458:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
92 6line 458:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
93 6line 458:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
94 6line 458:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
95 1line 463:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 447茵х違潟障
茹h 211
96 1line 467:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 451茵х違潟障
茹h 211
97 6line 474:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
98 6line 474:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
99 6line 474:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
100 6line 474:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
101 1line 479:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 463茵х違潟障
茹h 211
102 1line 483:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 467茵х違潟障
茹h 211
103 6line 494:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
104 6line 494:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
105 6line 494:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
106 6line 494:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
107 1line 499:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 479茵х違潟障
茹h 211
108 1line 503:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 483茵х違潟障
茹h 211
109 7line 510:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `脹zlar-95x95.jpg` 筝 ASCII篁ュ絖障障
茹h 232
110 4line 510:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `脹zlar-95x95.jpg` 罩c後с
茹h 239
111 6line 510:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
112 6line 510:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
113 6line 510:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
114 6line 510:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
115 1line 515:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 499茵х違潟障
茹h 211
116 1line 519:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 503茵х違潟障
茹h 211
117 7line 526:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `脹-k脹zlar.jpg` 筝 ASCII篁ュ絖障障
茹h 232
118 4line 526:
<IMG> SRC 絮с URI `脹-k脹zlar.jpg` 罩c後с
茹h 239
119 6line 526:
<IMG> 筝絮 `DECODING` 絎障
茹h 79
120 6line 526:
<IMG> 筝絮 `LOADING` 絎障
茹h 79
121 6line 526:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SRCSET` 絎障
茹h 79
122 6line 526:
<IMG> 筝絮 `SIZES` 絎障
茹h 79
123 1line 531:
<A> ≪潟 `...` 515茵х違潟障
茹h 211
124 1line 535:
<A> ≪潟 `oku` 519茵х違潟障
茹h 211
125 9line 544:
<SECTION>羹わ週</SECTION> H1/H2/H3/H4/H5/H6綽荀с
茹h 50
126 1line 582:
<A> ≪潟 `CHAT` 184茵х違潟障
茹h 211
127 1line 596:
<BR> 紊育g障
茹h 203
128 1line 599:
<A> HREF 絮с URI `mailto:#` 筝篏睡с絖 `#` 障障%23 吾違障
茹h 230
129 4line 599:
<A> HREF 絮с URI `mailto:#` 罩c後с
茹h 239


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